Betaflip 3d

Contact Us

Our Work

These are some of the projects we have worked on!

Create your 3d Selfie

Please make sure that you upload a very clear image with subject in upright position and  similar poses to the examples below. 
N.B This will only work for humans!

20 cm Height 3d printed selfie

  • 3d Model Cleanup and Editing
  • 3d Printing
  • Post processing and colorization

Cost : $100 USD / R1700

Upload Your Favourite Image


Shipping Costs vary depending on location please contact sales

Partner with us

Looking for things to sell with low or no capital at all?? perhaps you might want to have a look at or to inspire your creativity. You can identify a product that you think we can design and fabricate for you. and you sell to your target market for example this picture of contact lens case and we will design a similar prototype for you so you can show your potential clients,,,

Some things make economic sense to 3d print for a profit, others dont, and we will gladly offer you a free consultation on feasibility for each product you choose !

 Contact Us

183 Umhlangane rd Avoca, Durban North South Africa

+27 670 266 550